The serial numbers listed below should help you to determine the approximate age of your watch.
As Rolex does not issue any official information regarding serial numbers and the associated age of the watches, it is relatively difficult to determine the age of a Rolex watch. In addition, there are various lists on the market and these may differ from one another.

When comparing a serial number list, always check whether the source of information is disclosed and assess its reliability yourself.

“Heart of America Press” Mr. Roy Earhardt and from requests for individual watches and certificates sent in to Rolex. If you have any information about the production years 1931 / 1932 / 1949 and 1950, we would be pleased to receive an e-mail from you.
From the production year 1954, Rolex begins to count the serial numbers again from the beginning.

Year Serial number year Serial number Year Serial number
1926 xxxxx 1953 793930 1980 6434000
1927 20190 1954 976195 1981 6594000
1928 23969 1955 30634 1982 7129351
1929 28290 1956 139400 1983 7862000
1930 29xxx 1957 216821 1984 8338000
1931 29xxx 1958 353343 1985 8814000
1932 29xxx 1959 399000 1986 9290000
1933 29933 1960 511687 1987 9766000
1934 30823 1961 646900 1987 – 1988 R
1935 32336 1962 763663 1989 – 1990 L
1936 36856 1963 950000 1990 – 1991 E
1937 40920 1964 997436 1991 – 1992 X/N from 10/1991
1938 43793 1965 1193000 1992 C
1939 71224 1966 1289727 1993 S
1940 99775 1967 1554000 1994 S
1941 106047 1968 1720977 1995 – 1996 W
1942 143509 1969 2060000 1996 – 1997 T until 08/1997
1943 230878 1970 2504211 1997 U as of 09/1997
1944 269561 1971 2728000 1998 A
1945 302459 1972 3050000 1999 A
1946 367946 1973 3523678 2000 P
1947 529163 1974 3761535 2001 K
1948 628840 1975 3886050 2002 Y
1949 xxxxxx 1976 4155863 2003 F
1950 xxxxxx 1977 5008000 2004 – 2005 F
1951 709249 1978 5238376 2005 – 2006 D until 07/2006
1952 726639 1979 5952834 2006 – 2007 Z from 08/2006
2007 – 2009 M
2009 – V from 09/2009

From model year 2010, the serial number begins with a “G”

For the new serial numbers, from around 2011, the production date can only be determined by Rolex.
The serial numbers consist of 8 letters and numbers.

The serial numbers of a replacement housing start with 4.4 million and 4.7 million.